Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I'm beginning to love holidays more and more! More time for myself and being able to do what I want, like watching korean dramas/variety shows and studying Korean (: Have been spending my time doing 완자 국어 to increase my vocabulary, although it's really tough. I take about 45minutes to finish one page! And it's only primary school standard. Seems like I've got a long way to go~

"What's my motivation to study Korean?" you might ask. I guess at first it was my love for Korean dramas, and also K-pop. It might have been my love for music that pushed me to learn this wonderful language. I wanted to understand what I was listening, be it for dramas or songs. It has been an amazing journey of discovery. That it is more than just a language for mere communication. The kind of respect Koreans give to their elders. The culture and sense of camaraderie.

I can't really explain why, but I was hooked onto 7년간의 사랑 by 규현 ever since the first time I listened to it. I couldn't understand what the lyrics meant, but I seemed to be able to feel what he was trying to say. I've probably listened to the song more than 100 times (no kidding!) since then but I never got sick of it. In fact i'm listening to it at this very moment haha. For now, 규현 is my motivation! It's not something I'll say normally, but I really admire his determination and never-give-up attitude. Add a boyish smile and awesome voice to's everything you (okay, I) ever wanted =p

here's a link to 7년간의 사랑. enjoy! (:
"이별하면 아프다고 하던데
그런것도 느낄수가 없었죠
그저 그냥 그런가봐 하며 담담했는데"

규현--7년간의 사랑


  1. you will understand the lyrics in a few years time. korean is not difficult if you've love for it, ask shanna ^^

  2. haha thanks for commenting! i'm definitely learning a little bit more each and every day =)

  3. Hihi ^^

    May I know which level of the 완자 국어 book did u buy?
    I'm planning to get my own copy but not sure which level is suitable..

  4. Hi there! (:

    I'm using 완자 국어 초등1, and am at kyunghee beginner 2 or SNU 한국어2 level (:
