Monday, December 6, 2010

lost in translation

It was only after I decided to spend some time helping out with translating pdfs on koreanwikiproject that I realized how out of touch with Mandarin I was. Once my mother tongue and having studied it for maybe say 16 years?, I am pretty disturbed by how little I remember of it. Reading isn't much of a problem, but when I need to write it out, I can't seem to remember the exact word and thus have to resort to typing. I even need to search the dictionary for some of the translations

Sometimes I wonder if I should even be studying Korean, when I'm not even very fluent with my Mandarin as a Chinese. But I must say, studying Korean has always been fun. It's probably one of the only times where I actively search for classes/books/online materials to learn from, and do homework with a kind of drive I never found for any other subject.

On a lighter note, I'm taking up language and dance lessons at Korea Plaza! Just attended my first lessons last Thursday (: The language class contents were kind of simple since I've learnt them in school before, but it's good revision nonetheless. Dance class was quite cool! Actually I've never learnt dancing and I'm always afraid of embarrassing myself as I don't dance well, so it's a big step for me. As to the reason why I finally signed up for the dance class, it's because they're teaching hoot this month! (: Will be going for the Fun Fun Korean class on Tuesday evening too. It's taught by Jay Yoon, DJ of 96.3FM Cool K-time. Really looking forward to it! (:

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